Blueprint of luxury

Client - Evenflo | CD - Eric Peterson | Copywriter - Brook Long | Video Editor -Piyu Somani | Photographer - Troy Word | Producer - Amanda Pellegrini
From blueprint to reality, every detail of the new Shyft Rideshare from Evenflo is precision-engineered to count — and then some. We wanted to show how this wagon was different from the others by focusing on everything our engineers and fashion team put into it. It is due to this precise detail oriented work that the wagon will last you long after the kids outgrow it.


The photoshoot was a challenge and paired with Troop - all shot in a span of three days and two locations. It also helps when your son is one of the models :)


Teasers for social

For this Campaign - we used out OTT as a lifestyle video but we were tasked with showing the wagon in a studio only version. Typically something we avoid - as lifestyle suits our products best. However, when a test is needed we strove to push the ask to be more than briefed. Creating a teaser like video in hopes to draw attention and intrigue. Hopefully it makes you feel the suspense!


You can’t forget about DTC!

Our campaigns typically come with landing pages for our websites. It allows us to give more information on the product with a bit of campaign sprinkled on before you hit the info-heavy product pages.